Prostitution alleged after drug crime investigation

There are certain crimes that are sexual in nature and could cost those charged much of their life if a suspect is convicted. Prostitution is a sex crime and involves the sale of sexual favors. Both the alleged sex workers and their clients can face criminal charges if they are caught engaging in prostitution or solicitation. In a recent Louisiana case, a couple allegedly provided a space for prostitution to occur and profited from it.

Based on recent reports, police in New Orleans have arrested a couple for allegedly running a brothel in the St. Roch section of the city. Though they were initially investigating the woman for previously filed drug charges, law enforcement officials believe that they have enough evidence to charge the woman and her partner with promoting and facilitating prostitution.

Investigators believe that the one-bedroom home was used by several different alleged sex workers and that the woman split fees with the workers for the alleged services they provided. In addition to promoting prostitution charges the coupe also faces charges related to money laundering and pandering.

Individuals who have been arrested for prostitution or solicitation can face serious legal consequences if they are convicted of these charges. Penalties for prostitution convictions can include but are not limited to jail time and fines. Individuals who are convicted of solicitation can be face similar penalties that range in severity.

In this story, the investigation of one type of criminal behavior led to arrests based on a wholly different form. As their case moves forward, the man and woman in this story may need to create defense strategies for their trials. They have the right to seek counsel for the defense of their legal matters and may choose to retain their own counsel to prepare themselves for trial.

Source:, “Couple accused of running brothel in St. Roch,” Emily Lane, Sept. 8, 2016

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