Jefferson Parish Weapon Offense Attorney

Experienced Weapon Offense Attorneys in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana

Jefferson Parish Weapon Offense AttorneyResidents of Louisiana are no strangers to the use of firearms and other weapons. The state is a sportsmanā€™s paradise and many people begin hunting at an early age. Louisiana cherishes the right to bear arms provided by the Second Amendment but still, there are times when the right to own and operate a firearm can get people into trouble. If you are facing charges involving the use of a firearm or other weapon, you need legal advice. Our Jefferson Parish weapon offense attorneyĀ can provide it and give you the best chance of protecting your future.

Common Weapons Offenses in Jefferson Parish

There are many different types of weapons offenses in Jefferson Parish, but some are more common than others. Our experienced attorney has successfully defended many types of weapons charges including those involving the following:

  • Owning a firearm as a convicted felon
  • Carrying a concealed weapon without the proper permit
  • Removing the serial number from a firearm
  • Firing a gun within 1,000 feet of a parade
  • Illegal use or discharge of weapons
  • Carrying a firearm in a prohibited zone
  • Carrying a firearm at a school or school event
  • Trafficking firearms
  • Illegal possession of body armor
  • Using a firearm while being involved in unlawful drug activity

Louisiana is an Open Carry State

As an open carry state, you are not required to obtain a permit for a firearm if you are 17 years of age or older. However, there are many conditions and exceptions to the law. It is critical to know the law so you are not charged with a crime. If you are accused, it is critical to speak to a Jefferson Parish criminal defense attorney who can advise on your case and make sure your rights are protected.

Firearm Possession as a Convicted Felon

Of all the different types of weapons offenses, those involving firearm possession as a convicted felon are some of the most common. If you have been convicted of a felony, it is illegal to own or operate a firearm for ten years after you have completed your sentence. It is important to note that any parole or probation requirements are included and so, if you had to serve either of these, the ten years starts after you complete them. You may not have the right to own or operate a firearm if you have been convicted of any of the following:

  • Burglary
  • Weapons offenses
  • Violent crimes
  • Sex crimes
  • Felony drug charges

It is important to note that if you have a domestic abuse protective order issued against you, it may also be illegal for you to own, operate, or carry a firearm.

Our Weapons Offense Lawyer in Jefferson Parish has the Experience You Need

If you have been charged with a weapons offense, your future and your freedom are at risk. At the Law Office of Robert S. Toale, our Jefferson Parish weapon offense attorney has the necessary experience to protect it and help you beat your charges. CallĀ us now at (504) 368-8440 or chat with us online to book a free consultation.

New Orleans Criminal Defense New Orleans Criminal Attorney

Address: 505 Weyer St
Gretna, LA 70053

Phone: (504) 368-8440

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm
Phones are open 24/7

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