New Orleans Sexual Assault Lawyer

Dedicated Sexual Assault Lawyers in New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans Sexual Assault LawyerSexual assault charges are among the most serious types of sex crimes. A conviction can lead not only to severe criminal penalties – such as a lengthy prison sentence – but also to mandatory sex offender registration, which can brand you as a sexual predator for the rest of your life. Contact our New Orleans sexual assault lawyer today for more information or assistance.

Fighting The Charges

When your rights and liberties are on the line, you need a proven defense attorney to be your voice and advocate. At the Law Office of Robert S. Toale, our defense lawyers have decades of proven experience handling serious criminal cases. We provide aggressive advocacy to protect the rights and freedoms of the accused.

The firm’s principal New Orleans sexual offenses attorney, Robert S. Toale, has tried hundreds of cases in state and federal courts, including high-profile sex crimes. As a former public defender in Jefferson Parish, he is familiar with the Louisiana courts, prosecutors, investigators, and other key players in the justice system. He has earned an esteemed reputation for his talent and seasoned legal judgment in criminal defense.

Our lawyers will fight for you each step of the way. Backed by proven experience, we understand how to craft the defense you deserve from the outset.

Protecting Your Rights & Privacy

Like many other types of sex crimes, sexual assault charges are frequently an uphill battle from the outset. The case often becomes clouded by negative public perception, even in the absence of proof. Your defensive strategy must take into account the many layers of legal and practical hurdles.

Our attorneys understand how to manage the many challenges posed by sexual assault cases. Mr. Toale has successfully handled high-profile criminal cases involving intensive media scrutiny, protecting clients’ rights and privacy interests.

Schedule A Confidential Consultation With Our New Orleans Sexual Assault Lawyer

Let us put proven criminal defense experience to work for you. Call our New Orleans sexual assault lawyer anytime, day or night, to arrange a confidential consultation. You can also contact us online. Located in Gretna, we represent clients throughout New Orleans and Southern Louisiana.

New Orleans Criminal Defense New Orleans Criminal Attorney

Address: 505 Weyer St
Gretna, LA 70053

Phone: (504) 368-8440

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm
Phones are open 24/7

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