The Louisiana Sex Offender and Child Predator Registry is a database of named individuals who have been convicted of certain crimes. The state has designated particular offenses as sex offenses and people who commit those crimes must register with the database so that other citizens can determine if violators live in their communities. Not all crimes require registration, however, and a person may not know if he is required to make such a disclosure.
According to the Louisiana State Police, Division of Public Safety Services, there are three classes of crimes that require inclusion on the sex offender registry. These three classes are designated as Tier I, Tier II and Tier III. Tier I offenses include sexual offenses that are not aggravated offenses or crimes against minors. Individuals who must register due to a Tier I crime conviction must be on the list for at least 15 years and have their matters reviewed every year.
Tier II crimes involve crimes against minors and these crimes are viewed by the legal system more seriously than Tier I crimes. Tier II crimes include sexual battery, human trafficking, pornography and prostitution. Individuals who register due to Tier II convictions must be registered for 25 years and have review periods of their cases semi-annually.
The final category of crimes, Tier III crimes, are crimes involving aggravated offenses. Multiple forms of rape, incest and other offenses are included under this designation. Anyone convicted of a Tier III crime must remain on the registry for life and has his matter reviewed four times per year.
Having one’s name placed on the sex offender registry can have long-term consequences for a Louisiana resident. Depending upon the severity of the charge, a person could be subject to inclusion on the registry for his entire life. Anyone who is facing criminal charges for alleged sexual offenses can consult with a criminal defense attorney to learn about his rights and options for avoiding inclusion on the state’s sex offender registry.