Did you know that a parent can be charged with kidnapping his or her own child? Did you know that altering documents can possibly lead to forgery charges? Did you know that taking someone else’s property could form the basis of a larceny charge? Did you know that these and many other charges can be lodged against Louisiana residents in federal courts?
The United States federal court system has a wide reach to prosecute those individuals who are suspected of breaking federal laws. While some people may erroneously think that facing charges in federal court is just like facing charges in Louisiana state court, they would be mistaken. Federal criminal courts operate with rules and regulations that can vary greatly from those used in state criminal proceedings.
For these and many other reasons, it is important for individuals who are facing federal charges to seek the counsel of attorneys who practice in federal courts. The failure of a criminal defendant to meet important court deadlines and requirements can affect the success of his case. The right attorney can help his or her clients do what needs to be done to present a cogent defense strategy during federal criminal trials.
Attorney Robert S. Toale’s practice covers the defense of individuals charged with federal crimes. In addition to his diverse Louisiana state criminal law practice, Robert S. Toale also represents individuals facing federal computer crimes, Medicare crimes and other alleged violations of federal laws. He understands that while similarities exist between state and federal criminal courts, the differences that exist are important and impose upon the individuals who must deal with them different requirements. To learn more about this important topic, please visit Robert S. Toale online at his federal crimes website.