In some criminal matters, a prosecutor may choose to present his or her allegations to a grand jury in order to determine the potential success of his or her case
Federal Computer Crimes Can Yield Significant Penalties
Crimes involving computers can be based on many different alleged behaviors. They may arise from a New Orleans resident’s engagement in an allegedly criminal financial scheme, they may be related
Kidnapping allegations can result in federal criminal charges
Kidnapping can involve the concealment, abduction, or confinement of another individual. In Louisiana, a person can face state charges based on their alleged kidnapping of another individual; however, the presence
Individuals charged with federal crimes may need representation
Did you know that a parent can be charged with kidnapping his or her own child? Did you know that altering documents can possibly lead to forgery charges? Did you
Who can be accused of Medicaid fraud?
Medicaid is a government program that is administered by both federal and state agencies. While Louisiana provides guidelines on how a person may qualify and apply for Medicaid benefits, the
Alleged computer crimes can result in federal charges
New Orleans residents can access the internet from many different forms of electronic technology. From phones and tablets that fit in one’s pocket to laptop and desktop computers in private
Jurisdictional rules can make a charge a federal crime
New Orleans residents who watch legal dramas or who read crime novels may be familiar with the concept of jurisdiction. Jurisdiction gives certain courts or law enforcement agencies the right
What is benefits fraud?
The federal government provides to individuals who qualify for social services programs different forms of financial support. Louisiana residents, as well as Americans who live throughout the rest of the
What makes one charge a federal crime and another a state crime?
Readers of this Louisiana criminal law blog may have reviewed prior posts that have discussed how an individual may be charged with both state and federal crimes. This is because
Computer crimes can become federal criminal offenses
Computers are ubiquitous throughout Louisiana. Many residents have personal computers in their homes and those who do not can gain online access through computers in schools, libraries and other venues.