Louisiana hunters can go for hours without seeing other individuals when they are in the pursuit of game. They may choose to stay in one place and hope for luck to claim their targets or they may choose to move from hunting site to hunting site to improve their odds of making a kill. Wherever they choose to establish their hunts, however, they should be sure that they have permission to be on the land.
In general, hunters are bound by their state’s trespassing laws. Trespassing occurs when a person goes onto the property of another person without the property owner’s permission. Hunters who move in order to pursue game or find new hunting posts can easily commit trespassing if they do not respect the signage of landowners and encroach on their property.
There are several exceptions to this rule. For example, if a hunter’s dog runs onto land that the hunter does not have permission to use, the hunter may enter the land in order to retrieve his animal. Additionally, land which is not marked with ‘no trespassing’ signage may be entered during a hunt, but individuals confronting legal questions regarding this issue are encouraged to speak with their criminal defense attorneys about their cases.
A hunter may have a defense to a claim of trespassing if he had the permission of the landowner to use the property for hunting. However, what constitutes permission can vary and can create legal dilemmas for those who are facing trespassing claims.
Though hunting is a popular pastime for many Louisiana residents, it can lead to legal problems for those who cross onto property where they should not be. To learn more about hunting-related trespassing problems and other issues related to trespassing, readers may wish to contact their personal criminal defense lawyers.