New Orleans Domestic Violence Lawyer

Dedicated Domestic Violence Lawyers Serving New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans Domestic Violence LawyerFor those who have been charged with domestic assault, the immediate future is usually of the greatest concern. You have been arrested. You have probably been removed from your home. These immediate concerns are important, but the long-term consequences of a domestic violence conviction can be even more difficult to deal with.

You can permanently lose the right to own or possess a gun. It can make it difficult to find a job or keep your job.

At the Law Office of Robert S. Toale, our New Orleans domestic violence lawyer understands the impact a domestic violence charge can have on your life. Attorney Robert S. Toale has 30 years of courtroom experience. We use that experience to help our clients achieve the best possible results in even the worst situations.

The Consequences of a Domestic Violence Conviction

Following an arrest for domestic violence, your ability to interact with the other party will most likely be limited by an automatic stay-away order. This order will prohibit communication with the other party in person, via phone, email, and even messages through third parties. Violating this order is a criminal charge in itself.

If your case involves certain circumstances, you will be facing the possibility of an increased sentence. If the other party is pregnant or was strangled, the penalty will be enhanced.

A common misconception is that if the other party refuses to cooperate with the prosecutor, the case will be dismissed. In a number of instances, prosecutors will pursue these charges even when the other party wishes the charges to be dropped.

Contact Our Experienced New Orleans Domestic Violence Lawyer

Domestic violence charges need to be taken seriously, let our decades of experience create a solid defense for you. Call (504) 368-8440 or simply contact us online to schedule your initial consultation with our New Orleans domestic violence lawyer.

New Orleans Criminal Defense New Orleans Criminal Attorney

Address: 505 Weyer St
Gretna, LA 70053

Phone: (504) 368-8440

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm
Phones are open 24/7

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