New Orleans College Student Criminal Defense Lawyer

Professional College Student Criminal Defense Lawyers in New Orleans, Louisiana

New Orleans College Student Criminal Defense LawyerIf you have a child in college, you understand the risks that young people face as they begin to build their own lives. It is all too easy for young people to be tempted into making mistakes that can have long-lasting repercussions on their education, their ability to build careers, and their lives overall. As a parent, you know that action is necessary to protect his or her future even if your child does not. Contact our experienced New Orleans college student criminal defense lawyer today, we can help.

We offer a sound defense to students in the New Orleans area at Tulane, Loyola, Xavier, University of New Orleans, Dillard, and Southern University. We offer a strong defense against charges such as:

  • Underage drinking
  • Drug possession (marijuana, prescription drugs, etc.)
  • Shoplifting/theft
  • Assault
  • Sexual assault

Protecting Against Immediate And Long-Term Consequences

These charges can carry very serious immediate and long-term consequences. Your child may face academic sanctions, including suspension or expulsion. He or she may be facing possible jail time. We understand how to build highly effective defenses that can protect your child against his or her criminal charges.

By being proactive and fighting charges now, you can also help your child avoid long-term consequences such as the loss of financial aid due to a drug conviction and the damage a criminal record can do when he or she begins trying to build a career.

Decades Of Criminal Defense, Experience In Our Local Courts

At the Law Office of Robert S. Toale, our firm has extensive experience defending people against all manners of criminal charges in our local parishes. That experience allows us to create highly effective strategies that can protect your child from the harm a criminal conviction can cause. Our New Orleans college student criminal defense lawyer, Robert S. Toale is recognized throughout the legal community here in Louisiana for the quality of representation he provides. He is the past President of the Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and is presently active on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

Do not let your child begin his or her adult life with the weight of a criminal record holding him or her back. For skilled New Orleans college student criminal defense representation that can protect your child’s future, turn to the Law Office of Robert S. Toale in Gretna, Louisiana. To schedule an initial consultation, call (504) 368-8440 or contact us online.

New Orleans Criminal Defense New Orleans Criminal Attorney

Address: 505 Weyer St
Gretna, LA 70053

Phone: (504) 368-8440

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm
Phones are open 24/7

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