Decades ago, Al Capone was suspected of being one of the most powerful crime bosses in America. As the head of an alleged crime family in Chicago, Capone was assumed
Embezzlement is a serious white collar crime
As has been previously been discussed on this New Orleans criminal defense law blog, not all serious crimes involve the use of physical violence. Many financial crimes involve claims that
What is insider trading?
Stories about insider trading make the Louisiana news from time to time, but for many people insider trading is not a concept that they could easily explain. This blog post
Under the law, financial crimes are not victimless crimes
A crime is often identified by the harm that it causes to an individual or group of people. For example, an assault may be prosecuted if the accused person’s actions
Understanding a Ponzi scheme as a type of white collar crime
In 2008, residents of Louisiana and the other 49 American states learned of the arrest of Bernard Madoff. A high powered Wall Street stock broker, Madoff was accused of utilizing
Charges of fraud, identity theft bring significant consequences
Last week, this New Orleans criminal defense legal blog presented the story of a Louisiana man who is facing significant allegations related to the purported commission of white collar crimes.
Alleged white collar crimes threaten more than just your job
The corporate world can be a difficult place to succeed. Individuals who work for big businesses can feel pressures from their employers to produce results all while abiding by the
Is identity theft a white collar crime?
Identity theft is a white collar crime that can happen in the online world as well as in the physical world. It occurs when a person uses the name, address,
White collar crime includes accusations of bribery
All across Louisiana, different industries have different standards for what constitutes appropriate gift-giving between businesses and consumers. In a business office setting, it may be acceptable for an entity to
What sort of a penalty is restitution?
From time to time, New Orleans residents need loans in order to cover their expenses. Some people get their loans from banks and other lending institutions. Others borrow money from