Last week this New Orleans criminal defense law blog presented some of the consequences that an individual may face if he or she is suspected of committing a probation violation.
Prostitution alleged after drug crime investigation
There are certain crimes that are sexual in nature and could cost those charged much of their life if a suspect is convicted. Prostitution is a sex crime and involves
Federal Computer Crimes Can Yield Significant Penalties
Crimes involving computers can be based on many different alleged behaviors. They may arise from a New Orleans resident’s engagement in an allegedly criminal financial scheme, they may be related
A Discussion Of The Insanity Defense In Louisiana
This New Orleans criminal defense law blog has devoted a number of prior posts to the discussion of defenses to particular crimes. This post presents a general defense that may
Crimes for possession, distribution of prescription drugs
Marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin are all illegal drugs that can, if found in the possession of a New Orleans resident, be confiscated. Additionally, these confiscated drugs could be used
What does it mean to create a criminal defense strategy?
Last week this New Orleans criminal defense law blog discussed the important part that statutes of limitations play in the process of defending oneself against criminal charges. If a prosecutor
The role of statutes of limitations in criminal defense strategy
A statute of limitation is a law that establishes how long prosecutors have to charge an individual with a crime. For example, in Louisiana many misdemeanors have statutes of limitations
Can a selfie be considered child pornography?
A generation ago the word “selfie” did not exist. In fact, it did not become an established term in the English language until 2013 when the Oxford Dictionaries named it
Distribution of drug charges can lead to serious penalties
The severity of penalties related to drug charges can vary based on the scope of activity a New Orleans resident is accused of committing. For example, a drug possession charge
Embezzlement is a serious white collar crime
As has been previously been discussed on this New Orleans criminal defense law blog, not all serious crimes involve the use of physical violence. Many financial crimes involve claims that